Inauguration of Digital Classrooms in the Tribal Welfare Girls School, Secunderabad
In July 2022, a digital infrastructure project facilitated by Telangana-Social Impact Group (T-SIG) for 150+ girl students in a Tribal Welfare Girls school in Secunderabad was completed. At that point, the Headmaster of the Tribal Boys school had earnestly requested...
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6th Round Table Discussion
Telangana Social Impact Group in collaboration with Surge Impact Foundation hosted a roundtable aimed to shed light on “The Need & Potential for Projects on Environmental Protection & Climate Action in Indian CSR”. The event was held on March 3rd,...
Volunteering for Career Sathi Program (CSP)
Career Sathi Program (CSP) is a selective student program providing focused and sustained..
10K Run
Growing year on year; Hyderabad 10K Run, the city's oldest Running event, has completed its 15th Edition in the year 2017..
Haritha Haaram
In the first Focused Group Discussion, Haritha Haram was taken up as one of the priority project and was presented..
Lake Adoption by Hexagon
As part of their CSR activities, Hexagon has adopted Mudikunta lake for restoration. The CSR team of Hexagon..
Genpact & Microsoft for Education Projects
Through the 1st Focused Group Discussion, Genpact and Microsoft came together to work on education projects..
CSR Programs undertaken in Wanaparthy District
Having met with the Wanaparthy District collector Ms. Swetha Mohanty, IAS and understanding the needs of the district..
Novartis & IIPH on Health Project
T-Social Impact Group has facilitated one-on-one meetings between Novartis and Indian Institute of Public Health..