The British Deputy High Commission in Hyderabad hosted an event on June 17, 2023 as part of the PRIDE month celebrations happening across the world in collaboration with Youngistaan Foundation.
Stories about how trans people have to fight against so many odds to make a living / survive, were shared. Due to lack of awareness, instances of family members turning hostile,were not uncommon.
The event had panel discussions of what steps can be taken on the ground, to make life easier for the community. Ideally through public-private partnerships. For instance – creation of a grievance cell for the community.
There were representatives from the Corporate (Microsoft and AGS Health) who shared their thoughts on D & I (Diversity and Inclusion) too.
If you know of a homosexual person who needs help, please reach out to Arun / Ruthvika from Youngistaan Foundation, Hyderabad (9885342224)